Salt Tabs and Goos

Time to start getting used to gels and goos. These help tremendously with our energy levels since they're stocked with carbs.
Some goo/gel choices from Coach Jane:
1. GU
2. Power Gel
3. Cliff shots (mostly organic - a plus)
4. Hammer Gel
5. Accelergel
6. Carboom (fruit ingredients)
There are others - the above are the most well known. *Some have caffeine and some don't - check the label as some people react horribly to the caffeine if they are not used to it (read prolonged bathroom break :-( )
Our favorite flavored gu so far: Strawberry Banana
And some more from Coach Jane:
Another thing to think about if you sweat alot is to take salt tabs. Endurolytes (made by hammer) are salt tabs designed just for athletes.. You are supposed to take 1-3 an hour.... I have used them during longer triathlons when sweating a lot - they are EXCELLENT.