Pauls Run a Marathon

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Treadmill Twenty

As unbelievable as this may sound, I did my twenty-miler on the treadmill in our building today. Yup -- 5+ hours on a treadmill (no mean feat -- took all my concentration to not fall off it in all that time!).

Funnily enough, this wasn't actually the achievement of the day --setting up our DVD player to work with the flat-screen TV in the gym was. Imagine this:

  • flat-screen TV up high on a wall
  • TV cord too short to reach plugpoint or DVD player
  • multiple extension cords from plugpoint to TV cord
  • DVD player perched sideways atop 2 dumbells atop kitchen stool
  • 2 switches to turn on the TV (one well hidden)
  • lack of batteries in TV remote
  • 1 hour later -- Bourne Supremacy plays on highly unstable TV/DVD contraption while B runs crazily on treadmill...

I'll be glad when all this madness is over!

p.s. run was pretty good aside from the last 4 miles, which I had to mostly speedwalk. The knees and ankles are starting to fall apart :(


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