We all met at the corner of 60th & 5th at 8:30 am yesterday (looks like we'll need to be mornin' folk on weekends now :) ), and then walked up to the
Asha Tree. Was awesome to see a good-sized group of would-be marathoners and mentors, as well as Coach Jane and Scott Weiss, the team physiotherapist.
Yesh and I split up for the first run -- I went into the baby group, and Yesh joined the intermediate. We both did one round of the
smaller loop though (~1.7 miles). I had it pretty easy -- 3 minutes of walking, followed by 1 minute of running, all the way round. Yesh had to run the whole thing, he he.
Once we got back to the Asha Tree, Doc Scott showed us how to stretch properly -- has to be the most thorough lesson in stretching that we've ever had!Not even a bit sore today.
Filled up on Gatorade and bagels next, picked up our training schedules for the week, and then headed back home for a nice, hot shower!
Felt good! Can't wait till we get together again...