Pauls Run a Marathon

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Running again...

So after a week's hiatus (tech spec deadline at work, argh!), I finally went out running again last night. Hadn't run since our 18-miler the weekend before.

Conclusion: I can't skip a week of running again!

I was supposed to do 5 miles but tanked at 3.5. Was stiff, felt a little sick, was huffing and puffing... not good! And am very tired this morn.

Have 4 miles on my schedule for tonight... am telling myself it will be better!


  • Hey Yash,

    This a great cause, I am very happy you are doing this... I am confident you will reach your goal for the required donations... keep up the good work.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:15 PM  

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